
crash program 應急計劃。


To prevent marine pollution resulting from ship and port discharge , in addition to the formulation of the crash program to combat ships ' oil pollution , oil - water separators have been installed aboard ships of all types in accordance with relevant stipulations , and oil - polluted water treatment equipment , including emergency treatment equipment , has been installed at all sea ports 為防止船舶和港口污染海洋,各類船舶均按規定裝備了油水分離裝置,編制了《船上油污應急計劃》 ,港口普遍建設了含油污水接收處理設施和應急器材

Chapter v : program to improve the middle school science teachers professionally the long - range program to promote the professional development of china “ s middle school science teachers and the crash program to promote the specialization of china “ s existing middle school teachers 第5章《促進中學科學教師的專業成長和策略研究》 ,本章提出了推進我國中學科學教師專業成長的長效策略及促進我國中學科學在職教師專業發展的應急策略。

A soviet crash program to catch up with the west in designing powerful new computers is beginning to pay off , but the russians still lag far behind , according to industry reports 根據電腦業報導,蘇聯為了在設計強力新型電腦上趕上西方所實行的緊急計劃,已開始收效,可是俄國人仍遠遠落后。

As governments , we stumble from crisis to crash program , lurching into the future without plan , without hope , without vision 作為政府,我們從危機到項目停擺一路跌跌撞撞,蹣跚地步如未來,沒有計劃,沒有希望,也沒有遠見。

He said a “ task force “ representing his group had started a “ crash program “ in newark 他說,一個代表他的小組的特別工作隊已經在紐華克開始了“空難救助計劃” 。

The growing crisis in energy calls for a crash program of just this magnitude . 日益嚴重的能源危機非常需要這樣一個大規模的應急措施。